Conversations with Dries van Os (philosopher)

By Carolien Hermans Conversations with Dries van Os (philosopher)

The body can relate to time (duration) and space. How can you create a space within a space?A space has to be enclosed, has to be marked or lineated. It has to have borders so you can say: now I move into this space, now I move out of this space. The boundaries of space.”A boundary is not where something stops but a boundary is something where the representation of something begins” (Heidegger).

Some definitions of space:
Aristoteles: Space= the sum of all places, a dynamic field with directions and qualitative properties.
Lucretius: The whole nature is based on two things: there are bodies and there is “emptiness” in which the bodies take their place and move.
Heidegger: Existence is spatial. It is not possible to divide the human body from space. Space is nor an external object, nor an internal experience.

The space fills the moving body all the time. It literally embraces the body. It encloses the body. The space takes care that the body is seen.
The body however makes the space visible as well.

this space is in a state of chaos



Mental Space——–Physical Space

Space is nor an object, nor a reality, nor a substance, nor a relationship; it is a subjective and ideal scheme which origins in the cognition of a human. Space is a priori in that its source is human sensibility, not experience. But space is empirically real in the sense that it is a component of the world of experience, as the mind’s contribution to experience (Kant).


I have been busy with the relation between a moving body and space. First of all filling the space physically with moving bodies: movements and poses which serve as reference points for interpretation. Second of all, placing imagery in space, thereby closing or narrowing the space. How is the space being read?

(First question of space.)

Is the line dividing the space or is the space holding the line together?
Is the moving body dividing the space or is the space holding the body together?

(Second question of space).
Is a window revealing outside space or inside space? Is a window made to look outside or inside? Is a moving body enclosing the outside or the inside space?

(Third question of space.)
How can you fill the space with imagery?

Imagine that this empty page suddenly is full of colours: green, yellow, red, blue, black, purple, orange, brown.

I imagine that…………………

(Fourth question of space).
Can we fill the space with movements without actually moving?

verbal commenting on space
projecting after-images of the moving body in space the memorised space

Mental Space——–Physical Space

“Space is nor an object, nor a reality, nor a substance, nor a relationship; it is a subjective and ideal scheme which origins in the cognition of a human. Space is a priori in that its source is human sensibility, not experience. But space is empirically real in the sense that it is a component of the world of experience, as the mind’s contribution to experience “(Kant).

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