By Barbara Nagode Ambroz
- Dance technique is the correct way of performing the movement individually and with the partner.
- Technique is the chosen way of treating the movement in order to achieve control and character/style of the dance.
- Under technical quality we understand the dancer’s special motor ability, portrayed through the control of the action, timing, posture and body shaping.
- Each dance style uses terms for specific actions or movements.
- Technical vocabulary increases along with dancer’s development.
- Technique develops biomechanical stereotype into specific movement.
- To achieve technical quality practice is essential. The secret is repetition without repetition, which requires dancer’s involvement (motor, mental and sensory) and creative participation.
- Ideomotor learning combines physical repetition and training in the mind (visualizing in the mind a clear picture of the task ahead, leading to the brain registering it as an instruction to be carried out).
- Ideomotor learning supports prediction and anticipation of action outcomes.
- Ideomotor control supports selection and control of action.
- Mind has to understand and to analyze the task and at first stage body is simply doing what the mind is commanding.
- Holistic approach to the technical training involves senses, intuition and instinct already at very early stages.
- Muscles need to develop certain memory, with practicing movement becomes more and more automatic.
- Too automatic can become just a physical display, not automatic enough can still cause problems to a dancer. There is a thin border in between, the precise regulation is necessary. Anyway dancer has to adjust technical skill consistently, as the entire psycho-motor ability is changing on daily basis.
- Technical exercise can become dance if dancer contributes its interpretation.
- Technique can gradually disappear into a function, effect, skill which can talk for itself or it serves as a vehicle to say something else.
- Good technique means to have control, mastery over the movement and strength to perform with ease.
- When technique is not only a physical exercise, but creative tool of a dancer, individual style starts to shine through it.
- To use a lyrical language, technical quality gives to a dancer roots and wings, stability and freedom.
Barbara Nagode Ambroz, April 2011