Browsing Tag
evolution of dance
4 posts
Is There Really Anything New?
By Barry Gasson
It would appear that in today’s world, there are many experts clamouring for their particular pet theory to be aired, and it appears that many scientific equations and principles are being explored and applied to the human body in an attempt to improve on nature
A paper on the history of dance in the US Submitted by Arthur Murray International
Arthur Murray’s Paper on History of Dances USA We would like to thank John Kimmins for submitting this…
Evolution versus Design
By Fred Bijster
Dancing (in any form) is the result of our cultural evolution, not of design. Hence the importance of historical and cultural knowledge in evaluations (judging). Hence the danger of treating dancers like machines and dancing like a result of a logical process.
Changing the system of judging
Fred Bijster speaks about our judging system and whether a change might be necessary