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6 posts
15 Truths About Being a Professional Dancer
Submitted to DanceArchives by Gherman Mustuc By Melanie Doskocil 1. Dance is hard No dancer ever became successful…
Aesthetic Expression
By Ruud Vermeij In order to understand dance as artistic practice we need to understand that this practice…
The Psychology of Top Performers
Top performers can be found in every organization. Those people who seem to be able to rise to the top no matter what obstacles they face along the way. How do they do it? This study looks at 10 key traits of top performers.
The value of dancing is not to understand, but to be entertained
The world of children is one of magical moments. And then we send them to school... First we kill the magic by making them understand, giving logical explanations for all we can see. Then we kill the fun, because once you understand, you can’t do everything you would like to do (knowing the consequences).
Blocked by Performance Anxiety?
Information and advice for dealing with performance anxiety. By David Carbonell
Unfortunately the word authenticity has somewhat become almost a cliche in today’s dance world, says Allan Tornsberg